Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui is about how much you enjoy life, how easily things flow into your life, if you are inspired to act on your dreams, if you have friends to share your life with, and how supported you feel.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring Cleanings

With spring coming up, now is a GREAT time to clear your clutter or "unload the overload" as a friend of mine says! Clutter is one of the worst things that you can have in your home to stop or slow down the flow of chi. If chi stagnates, you will have some problems. Check closets, under the bed and in corners - clutter's best places to reside. Rule of thumb…. If you have something hanging around that you have not used in the last year…. get rid of it. Have a nice big garage sale - or sell your items on eBay! This way, you not only get rid of something you are not going to use, but you make a little money in the process! And if you are not inclined to do that, give the items to a worthy cause. We donate a lot of items each year to our local Disabled American Veterans because my husband, father and brothers are all veterans and we hope someone will benefit from it.

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Use of Colors in Your Feng Shui Practice

Black and blue colors represent water and are best used in the North, East and SE. Black should never be used for ceilings or roofs or in large amounts in an office. Bright water colors should not be used in excess.
· Bright White, gray, bronze, silver and gold are all considered metal colors and work best in the NW and West part of your home.
· Red and shades of red (burgundy, hot pink, pink, maroon, etc) represent fire and are good to use in the South to symbolize fame and recognition.
· Green represents wood and is good to use in the East and SE. Green also symbolizes money. Bright green symbolizes the growth of spring.
· Orange, brown, beige and yellow are all earth colors and work well in the Good luck sector of your home as well as the NW and West.

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Use of Windchimes

I have had some questions about using windchimes in your practice of Feng Shui, so wanted to cover it here as well. Wind chimes are used in two ways - and two different types of windchimes are used. First you have the chimes that have the hollow rods. These chimes are used to channel chi upwards to enhance the properties of an area. When using windchimes to enhance an area, it is best if you can find chimes that match the element of the sector you are enhancing. So Metal chimes for W, NW and N. Ceramic chimes for the SW, NE and good luck center and wooden chimes for the E, SE and S. Then you have the type of chime with solid metal rods (preferably 5). This type of windchime is used to "press down" on negative chi - such as the Nasty Five Yellow star that appears in a different sector each year and is in the SE this year. This will decrease the effectiveness of the 5 yellow star.

Tips to activate your Romance Sector!

Whether you are in a great relationship, a stagnant relationship or are looking for a NEW relationship, here are some things you can put in your relationship sectors. This can be based on your personal KUA number and/or the layout of your home (Southwest Sector). I encourage you to activate BOTH sectors if relationships are important to you. Display any or a combination of the following: Crystals, pink or red heart shaped items, wedding photos, bridal bouquet, pictures of couples, peonies, love birds, mandarin ducks, marriage and union coin hanger, silk flowers, oil burner using Geranium or Ylang Ylang scents, dragon and phoenix bells or plate, pictures of two peacocks, statuettes of animals that you like, such as dogs, cats, etc. Always display these in pairs. Females may also want to wear jewelry such as quartz crystals, yin yang bracelets or other jewelry that has romance symbolism. Hope that helps! : )

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