Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui is about how much you enjoy life, how easily things flow into your life, if you are inspired to act on your dreams, if you have friends to share your life with, and how supported you feel.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Feng Shui and Toilets

Many people are concerned regarding one particular area that is present in any house or property - the toilet. Many are worried that their washrooms may be emitting 'Sha Qi', or unknowingly 'flushing away their own wealth'. These worries are no laughing matter and now is the time to straighten things out as far as toilet Feng Shui is concerned.

A long time ago, toilets were regarded with vile and disgust. This is understandable as sanitation technology was still primitive then. Underground piping and sewage had not been yet discovered. Consequently toilets were situated far away from the living area of the house. Today however, the opposite holds true for toilets - they are built-in together inside the house. Thanks to the modern sewage system.

But it seems that the taboo of toilets still lingers in our minds. Is a built-in toilet bad for health and wealth? Firstly, if a toilet is left dirty and unsanitary, obviously it becomes a breeding haven for bacteria. It is only a matter of time before one falls sick because of this. Is it fair to attribute this to Feng Shui?

The arrival of toilet-flushing technology also causes some new worries - will flushing the toilet drain away wealth prospects? This perhaps stems from the earlier misconception that water represents 'wealth'. While water governs 'wealth aspects', the element itself does not directly represent 'money'. So flushing the toilet is not equivalent to flushing away money.

The more Feng Shui savvy may ask, "What if the 'wealth star' is located inside the toilet? Wouldn't that be flushing it away then?"

A 'wealth star' located inside a toilet becomes a problem not because of the toilet itself, but because we are unable to spend enough time in the toilet to be influenced by 'wealth Qi'. You see, in order for any kind of Qi (whether good or bad Qi) to influence people, the person has to be exposed to the Qi for an extended period of time. The toilet is obviously not a feasible place to spend hours in, thus its 'wealth-generating' abilities cannot be maximised. This also applies to storerooms where there is no human interaction. That is why the three major aspects - main door, stove, and bedroom - should be located in an area with good Qi.

So what can be done if you have discovered that your 'wealth star' is in your toilet or storeroom? Firstly, don't worry - normally there is more than one usable 'wealth star' in a home. For example, if the bathroom occupies the 'Sheng Qi' sector in your house, you can still use the 'Tian Yi', 'Yan Nian', or 'Fu Wei' sectors. Not only that, you can even use the 'Sheng Qi' minor sector within your bedroom! So you don't have to worry about missing out on the good Qi - there are many ways to go about things in Feng Shui.

When it comes to toilets, the only requirement is to keep it in a hygienic condition. Hopefully this also explains why having the main door below a toilet, or sharing a common wall with a toilet, is acceptable. In Feng Shui, as long as the main door, kitchen stove, and bedroom are located in good areas, then there is already little room to worry about. Feng Shui is not about remedying every situation. The secret s to find out where the good Qi is and then aligning yourself to receive it.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Feng Shui for the Month of December 2006

Beneficial Sectors:


Career advancement, celebrations, happy events and a pick-up in business are the reasons why the North is one of this month’s beneficial sectors. Gains this month, for businesses, will be beneficial or there is good news on the horizon. Gua #8 and Gua #2 will have a particularly good month. Real estate and property ventures are the best bet for those looking to make investments this month.


Energies in the South are beneficial energies – if you are hoping to get married, this is the sector to sleep in or make use of more this month!


Catching the eye of your boss is likely this month if you are using a Southwest bedroom or office. Gua #6 and Gua #7 in particular have opportunities to shine and gain the attention of superiors, along with just deserts and rewards for many hours spent toiling for the company. Businesses related to travel will find this is a month of good revenues. The Southwest also brings opportunities for partnerships and joint-ventures. This is a good sector for revision or study, for students facing important exams.

Negative Sectors:


Wrangles, disputes, legal issues and arguments are all likely for business with Southeast Main Doors. Managers seated in Southeast sector offices must be careful with legal matters. Partnerships should beware of corporate divorce if they have Southeast Main Doors. Avoid making any important decisions this month if you have a Southeast sector Main Door or sleep in the Southeast sector.


Business rivalry and competition will intensify this month for businesses with Northeast sector Main Doors, especially if there are negative environment features outside the Main Door. The 6-7 combination in the Northeast is also not good for those sleeping in Northeast sectors – fights and disputes are possible at work.
East Pregnant ladies sleeping in East rooms must be careful of the risk of miscarriage this month. Couples will also find the East is a real romance killer, bringing tension and arguments to couples who are not careful. Other occupants of East bedrooms must watch for stomach ailments this month.


Miscommunications are likely so be extra careful what you say and don’t leave anything to chance if you are using a West bedroom or a West sector office at work. Those sleeping in West bedrooms must be careful of head injuries caused by high risk sports, high contact sports or occupational hazards. Work stress is also a likely problem this month, causing migraines and headaches.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Feng Shui tips for romance and relationships

Feng Shui plays an important part in your relationship and romance, follow the twelve tips below and you will be fighting them from your door.

1) THE SOUTH WEST CORNER - This segment of your house is where love reigns and you should pay special attention to it. It governs the luck of love, romance and family happiness.

2) SOUTH WEST CORNER - If you wish to improve your existing relationship, place a family photo in your south west corner of your home, make sure it is a happy photo or even a painting of a family. If you wish to enhance your romance luck place a Dragon headed tortoise with a piece of red ribbon in his mouth .

3) CHANDELIER - Hanging a chandelier or crystal sphere/ball in the Southwest corner of your home is wonderful for activating the chi energy that stimulates romance. This introduces fire into this segment, which has Earth as its presiding element to bring love luck.

4) SOFT LIGHTING - Soft or pastel colour lampshades with soft lighting in the Southwest creates an atmosphere of romance which in itself is known to "put you in the mood". Needless to say, harsh lighting and spotlights are definitely to be avoided here.

5) CANDLES - Candles in all shapes, sizes and color are suggestive of love. Apart from giving your area a warm glow, it also enhances the entire look of your home, while enhancing romance. Remember however, to put them out so that they don't pose a fire hazard in your home.

7) CRYSTALS - Natural crystals are one of the best symbols of mother earth. Rose quartz and yellow citrine are crystals that work well to bring you lots of love luck. Place these crystals in the form of pebbles or larger forms like the raw Amethyst in the Southwest corner of your living room to energize love.

8) PINK BED SHEETS - Pink sheets raise subtle yang energy, which enhances feelings of love and romance in those who seek conjugal bliss in the bedroom.

9) BE HONEST - Talk openly about your relationship and ways that you feel you could improve it.

10) Buy a indoor water fountain and place it in the south-west corner of your home, you will be amazed at the effect this can have on a relationship, or encourage a new one.

11) A wise man puts his foot down, only to shift positions when arguing with his wife.

12) Use Crystals spheres in your home to activate ch'i.

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Friday, April 07, 2006

Your Life's Palette - Color

When we enter a room or see an object for the first time, our minds register its color before any other detail. The colors our eyes can perceive are like words that form a subtle language of mood, energy, and insight. Color can exert a gentle effect on the mind and the body, influencing our dispositions and our physical health. Color has the ability to trigger our emotions, affect the way we think and act, and influence our attitudes. You unconsciously respond to the color of the walls in your home, your car, your clothing, and the food you eat based on your body's natural reactions to certain colors and the psychological associations you have formed around them. The consequences of the decision to paint a room or wear a specific article of clothing therefore goes beyond aesthetics.

The colors you encounter throughout your day can make you feel happy or sad, invigorate you or drain your vitality, and even affect your work habits. Throughout history, cultures spread over many different parts of the globe have attributed varying meanings to different colors. In China, blue is associated with immortality, while people in the Middle East view blue as a color of protection. There is also evidence that human beings respond to color in a very visceral way. Red excites us and inflames our passions. Too much red, however, can make us feel overstimulated and irritated. Pink tends to make people feel loved and protected but also can cause feelings of lethargy. Yellow represents joy or optimism and can energize you and help you think more clearly. Bright orange reduces depression and sadness. Blue and green are known to inspire peaceful feelings, and people are often able to concentrate better and work in rooms painted in soft blues and greens. The darker tones of! both colors can make you feel serious and introspective.

There are ways to integrate color into your life that go beyond picking the hues of your décor and your wardrobe. You can meditate with color by concentrating on the colors that make you feel peaceful or using a progression of colors to symbolize a descent into a relaxed state. Color breathing involves visualizing certain colors as you in inhale and exhale. Choose to surround yourself with the colors that you are attracted to and make you feel good, and you can create an environment that makes you feel nurtured, peaceful, and uplifted.

More Feng Shui Tips

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

You Are The Key

You could feel a keen sense of vulnerability today and want to feel that you belong to someone or something. This might cause you to feel more needy or dependent on those around you. If you take time to work on strengthening the connection with your inner self today, you will feel your insecurities vanish. One good way to do this is to call up a mental image of yourself as strong, powerful, confident, and self-contained. See yourself interacting with others in an empowered way and not being dependent on needing to receive or hear any particular actions or words from them. Affirm that you are whole and complete, and you won’t need to others to validate your worth.

Developing an inner vision of ourselves as whole and complete can help us to interact with others in healthier ways. We often feel the need to cling to others in an effort to be validated or accepted. If we can instead learn to validate ourselves and practice self-acceptance, we begin to discover that we don’t need anything outside of ourselves to feel complete. We realize that we hold the key to feeling good about ourselves, regardless of what others may say or do. We can then focus on developing our relationships, rather than feeling vulnerable and needy in our interactions. Embracing your inner sense of self-worth today could help you feel stronger and more empowered in your interactions with others.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring Cleanings

With spring coming up, now is a GREAT time to clear your clutter or "unload the overload" as a friend of mine says! Clutter is one of the worst things that you can have in your home to stop or slow down the flow of chi. If chi stagnates, you will have some problems. Check closets, under the bed and in corners - clutter's best places to reside. Rule of thumb…. If you have something hanging around that you have not used in the last year…. get rid of it. Have a nice big garage sale - or sell your items on eBay! This way, you not only get rid of something you are not going to use, but you make a little money in the process! And if you are not inclined to do that, give the items to a worthy cause. We donate a lot of items each year to our local Disabled American Veterans because my husband, father and brothers are all veterans and we hope someone will benefit from it.

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Use of Colors in Your Feng Shui Practice

Black and blue colors represent water and are best used in the North, East and SE. Black should never be used for ceilings or roofs or in large amounts in an office. Bright water colors should not be used in excess.
· Bright White, gray, bronze, silver and gold are all considered metal colors and work best in the NW and West part of your home.
· Red and shades of red (burgundy, hot pink, pink, maroon, etc) represent fire and are good to use in the South to symbolize fame and recognition.
· Green represents wood and is good to use in the East and SE. Green also symbolizes money. Bright green symbolizes the growth of spring.
· Orange, brown, beige and yellow are all earth colors and work well in the Good luck sector of your home as well as the NW and West.

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Use of Windchimes

I have had some questions about using windchimes in your practice of Feng Shui, so wanted to cover it here as well. Wind chimes are used in two ways - and two different types of windchimes are used. First you have the chimes that have the hollow rods. These chimes are used to channel chi upwards to enhance the properties of an area. When using windchimes to enhance an area, it is best if you can find chimes that match the element of the sector you are enhancing. So Metal chimes for W, NW and N. Ceramic chimes for the SW, NE and good luck center and wooden chimes for the E, SE and S. Then you have the type of chime with solid metal rods (preferably 5). This type of windchime is used to "press down" on negative chi - such as the Nasty Five Yellow star that appears in a different sector each year and is in the SE this year. This will decrease the effectiveness of the 5 yellow star.

Tips to activate your Romance Sector!

Whether you are in a great relationship, a stagnant relationship or are looking for a NEW relationship, here are some things you can put in your relationship sectors. This can be based on your personal KUA number and/or the layout of your home (Southwest Sector). I encourage you to activate BOTH sectors if relationships are important to you. Display any or a combination of the following: Crystals, pink or red heart shaped items, wedding photos, bridal bouquet, pictures of couples, peonies, love birds, mandarin ducks, marriage and union coin hanger, silk flowers, oil burner using Geranium or Ylang Ylang scents, dragon and phoenix bells or plate, pictures of two peacocks, statuettes of animals that you like, such as dogs, cats, etc. Always display these in pairs. Females may also want to wear jewelry such as quartz crystals, yin yang bracelets or other jewelry that has romance symbolism. Hope that helps! : )

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Wave Motion HADO

Walking through a Japanese garden, one truly feels the life force energy that is known as Hado. Hado isn't just present in Japan, but it is a concept that has existed in Japan for centuries. The two Japanese characters that make up the word Hado mean "wave" and "move" - perfect words to describe the energy vibrations that permeate all life. Hado is present in all things, animate and inanimate. It resides everywhere, even in the air and in people.

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The study of hado tells us that the energetic vibrations from our thoughts affect on our physical realities. Each of us has the ability to manifest a specific intention through the hado that we send out - from making our jewelry shine to changing the atmosphere of a room full of people to transforming the hado of an empty space. However, we are often unaware that our thoughts are creating vibrations in the world outside our minds. Once we know that this is the case, we can become more aware of our negative thinking and train ourselves to stay positive and think with intention.

Giving thanks for a meal before we eat can change the energy of our food. Expressing gratitude by thoughts or words makes a huge difference to both the giver and recipient because you are sending them hado. A kind smile really makes a difference when you work consciously with hado. Once we become aware of the power of hado, we can create positive changes in every area of our lives: our physical space, mental and emotional health, relationships, and businesses. One of the most important principles of hado is to monitor your thoughts and intentions every day. Enjoy the improvements that you will create in your life and the world around you by consciously working with hado.

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